Academic CV - Florent Renaud
Current positions
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Directeur de Recherche (full research professor) in Astrophysics (since 2023) CNRS / Strasbourg Observatory, France |
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Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS) (since 2023) Strasbourg University, France |
⦁ | President of the International Astronomy Union commission on stellar clusters (since 2024) |
Research experience
2017-2023 |
Forskare (senior researcher, 2019-2022), then Docent (associate professor, 2022-2023) Lund University, Sweden |
2022 |
Invited researcher (1 month) Observatoire de Paris, France |
2014-2017 |
Postdoc fellow (3 years) University of Surrey, Guildford, UK |
2011-2014 |
Postdoc fellow (3.5 years) Service d'Astrophysique, CEA-Saclay, Paris, France |
2010 |
Visiting fellow (3 months) Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK |
2007-2010 |
PhD Student (3 years) Institut für Astronomie of Vienna, Austria Observatoire de Strasbourg, France |
2007 |
Research assistant (6 months) NASA Herschel Science Center, IPAC, Caltech - Pasadena, USA |
2005 |
Research assistant (2 months) Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, France |
2022 |
Docent (equivalent to Habiliation à diriger des recherches or Privatdozent) Lund University, Sweden |
2007-2010 |
PhD Thesis: Dynamics of the tidal fields & formation of star clusters in galaxy mergers. Titles of Doctor rerum naturalium and Doctor Philosopiae in Astrophysics Universität Wien (Austria) and Université de Strasbourg (France) Supervisors: Christian Theis (Vienna) and Christian Boily (Strasbourg) |
2006-2007 | Master in Astrophysics, Université de Strasbourg |
2004-2007 |
Engineering degree, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg (courses in physics, signal processing, IT, automation, electronics and management) |
Publications & talks
87 refereed papers, including 23 as first author, 15 by students under my supervision.
~ 4300 citations ; h-index = 37 ; i-10 index = 72
See my publication list.
174 talks, including 51 as invited speaker, 51 contributed, and 72 seminars and colloquia.
See my talk list.
Awards, grants, fellowships
2024 |
State grant (subvention d'État), CNRS (150,000 Euros) |
Conference organization grant, USIAS and Strasbourg University (7000 Euros) | |
2023 |
Fellowship project: Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS), Université de Strasbourg (~ 103,000 Euros) |
2020 | Best talk award: Linking the galactic and extragalactic conference |
Research grant of the Walter Gyllenberg Foundation (~ 20,000 Euros) | |
2018 |
Research grant of the Walter Gyllenberg Foundation (~ 20,000 Euros) |
2015 |
Prix La Recherche Renaud et al. (2014) awarded best outstanding and original work in Astrophysics |
2011 |
Humboldt Foundation Junior Fellowship (declined) (~ 80,000 Euros) |
2007-present |
Several visiting fellowships and travel grants (~ 70,000 Euros in total) |
Supervision, mentoring
See our Group page
Current PhD
2024- | Cédric Accard, Strasbourg ObservatoryDeep-learning decoding of star formation in high redshift galaxies |
2024- | Claire Guillaume, Strasbourg ObservatoryDo interactions erase the relics of galactic archeology? |
Current Master, Bachelor
2025- | Baptiste Morin (5 months), Strasbourg ObservatoryWhy do stars form in clusters? |
Former group members
1 postdoc, 5 PhD students, 16 master and bachelor studentsSee our Group page for details.
Director of Master programme
2020-2023 |
Director of the Master program in Astrophysics, Lund University (in charge of recruitment of students, organization of master projects, coordination of the courses, monitoring of the student's progress, student's career development, social activities, chair of the evaluation committees) |
2020-2023 | Topics in theoretical Astrophysics, Lund University PhD level |
2019-2023 | Extragalactic astrophysics, Lund University Master level |
2018-2023 | Computational astrophysics, Lund University Master level |
2017-2023 | Galaxies and Cosmology, Lund University Bachelor level |
Invited lecturer
2021 | International Summer School on the Interstellar Medium of Galaxies, from the Epoch of Reionization to the Milky Way, Banyuls (online) Summer school for PhD students |
2017 | Instabilities and wave propagation in galaxies, Collège de France, Paris Part of a lecture series on Galactic dynamics |
2016 | Galaxy and star formation, European Doctoral School, Strasbourg Summer school for PhD students |
2014 | Multi-wavelength astrophysics in the data avalanche era, Strasbourg University Winter school for PhD students |
2012-2014 |
Scientific supervisor/advisor for several high school projects How does a satellite remain in orbit? ; Why is the sky blue? (Rayleigh scattering) ; Stellar evolution ; Astronomy in the middle ages |
2009 |
Tutoring: Introduction to simulations of merging galaxies, Vienna University Master and PhD levels |
Outreach, popularization
Several seminars given on big data, HPC and data visualization
Several press releases written and interviews given to the press and TV
Large coverage on French and German national TV, French and Swedish national press, international specialized press and internet (Arte, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Astronomy Magazine, Ciel et Espace, La Recherche, CNRS International Magazine ...)
2022 |
Outreach presenter in a space summer camp (high school level, 2 August 2022) Rymdforskarskolan (The Space Research School), Lund |
2019 |
Invited public presentation (28 March 2019) ALVA association, Lund |
2014 |
Invited public presentation (16 June 2014) Kiosque Citoyen, Rennes |
2013 | Production of a film from my simulations for the Vienna Planetarium | 2008 |
Public presentation (8 November 2008) Long night of science 2008 (Lange Nacht der Forschung 2008), Vienna |
2008 |
Invited public presentation (29 January 2008) Astronomy club of the ENSPS, Strasbourg |
Granted proposals: supercomputers
Total of 355.3 million CPU-hours (62.5% as PI), and 0.32 million GPU-hours (100 % as PI) on tier-0 supercomputers:
2024 | CoI of a GCS project: 20.0 Mh, SuperMUC |
2023 | CoI of a SNIC project: 2.0 Mh, Tetralith |
CoI of a SNIC project: 2.0 Mh, Tetralith | |
2022 | PI of a SNIC project: 2.0 Mh, Tetralith |
2021 | PI of a SNIC/EuroHPC (Pilot phase) project: 150.0 Mh, Lumi |
PI of a SNIC project: 2.0 Mh, Tetralith | |
2020 | CoI of a PRACE project: 45.0 Mh, Irene |
PI of a SNIC project: 2.3 Mh, Tetralith | |
2019 | PI of a SNIC project: 1.0 Mh, Aurora |
CoI of a SNIC project: 2.6 Mh, Aurora | |
CoI of a GENCI project: 3.8 Mh, Irene | |
2018 | PI of a SNIC project: 1.0 Mh, Aurora |
CoI of a GENCI project: 5.3 Mh, Curie, Occigen, and Irene | |
2017 | PI of a PRACE project: 15.1 Mh, Marconi KNL |
CoI of a GENCI project: 15.8 Mh, Curie and Occigen | |
2016 | PI of a GENCI (exceptional call) project: 6.4 Mh, Curie |
CoI of a GENCI project: 11.6 Mh, Curie | |
2015 | PI of a PRACE project: 21.8 Mh, Curie |
CoI of a PRACE project: 16.2 Mh, Curie | |
2014 | CoI of a GENCI project: 3.0 Mh, Curie |
2013 | PI of a PRACE project: 8.5 Mh, SuperMUC |
CoI of a GENCI project: 3.0 Mh, Curie | |
2012 | PI of a GENCI project: 0.24 Mh, Curie hybrid nodes |
CoI of a GENCI project: 2.9 Mh, Curie | |
2011 | PI of a PRACE project: 12.0 Mh, Curie |
PI of a GENCI Grand Challenge project: 0.08 Mh, Curie hybrid nodes |
Granted proposals: telescopes
2025 | Co-I of a FAST project (DDT): 12.0 hours (PI: M. Arabsalmani) |
Co-I of a VLT/FORS2 project: 4.0 hours (PI: M. Arabsalmani) | |
2024 | Co-I of a CFHT/MegaCam project: 4.0 hours (PI: E. Le Floch) |
Co-I of a MeerKAT project: 25.0 hours (PI: M. Arabsalmani) | |
2023 | Co-I of a MeerKAT project: 50.0 hours (PI: S. Sankar) |
2022 | Co-I of a FAST project: 21.9 hours (PI: C. Cheng) |
Co-I of a CFHT/MegaCam project (DDT): 3.9 hours (PI: M. Arabsalmani) | |
2020 | Co-I of a FAST project: 22.4 hours (PI: C. Xu) |
2019 | Co-I of a NOEMA project: 60 hours (PI: N. Tomicic) |
2016 | Co-I of a HST/WFC3 project: 8 orbits (PI: P.-A. Duc) |
2015 | Co-I of a NOEMA project: 32.3 hours (PI: A. Hughes) |
Co-I of a MUSE project: 21 hours (PI: A. Adamo) |
○ | President (2024-2027) and Vice-president (2021-2024) of the International Astronomy Union commission on stellar clusters |
○ | Expert for national and international funding agencies (Europe, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Israel, The Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UAE, UK) |
○ | Reviewer for A&A, ApJ(L), MNRAS(L), Nature Astronomy, PASJ |
○ | Examiner/Committee member of Docent/HDR (1), PhD (5), Master (23), Bachelor (6) |
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Conference organization:
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Founder and organizer: