Research group
Do you want to join our young and dynamic team at Strasbourg Observatory? Job openings
Current members
○ | Cédric Accard, IRMIA++ PhD fellow Strasbourg Observatory Deep-learning decoding of star formation in high redshift galaxies |
○ | Claire Guillaume Strasbourg Observatory Do interactions erase the relics of galactic archeology? |
Master, Bachelor
○ | Baptiste Morin, M2 student Strasbourg Observatory Why do stars form in clusters? |
Former members
2023-2024 (1 year) | Gauri Sharma, USIAS postdoc Strasbourg Observatory Now IRMIA++ postdoc fellow at Strasbourg Observatory, France |
2020-2024 (4 years) | Álvaro Segovia Otero Lund University, Sweden Star formation in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies Now postdoc at Tsinghua University, China |
2018-2022 (4 years) | Eric Andersson Lund University, Sweden Cosmological assembly of galaxies like the Milky Way Now postdoc at AMNH, USA |
2014-2018 (3 years) | Nicolas Guillard ESO, Garching, Germany Growth and fueling of galactic nuclei Now working in the private sector (energy industry) |
2014-2017 (3 years) | Jeremy Fensch CEA-Saclay, France Star and stellar cluster formation in gas-dominated galaxies Now permanent researcher at Lyon University, France |
2011-2014 (3 years) | Katarina Kraljic CEA-Saclay, France Links between galaxy evolution, morphology and internal physical processes Now permanent researcher at Strasbourg Observatory, France |
Master, Bachelor
2024 (1 year) | Bharat Bhatt, Master student, Alan Turing fellow Strasbourg Observatory / University of Surrey, UK Formation of galactic bars |
2024 (5 months) | Claire Guillaume, M2 student Strasbourg Observatory Formation of stellar streams Now PhD candidate at Strasbourg Observatory, France |
2024 (3 months) | Baptiste Morin, M1 intern Strasbourg Observatory Cosmic regimes of star formation Now M2 student at Strasbourg Observatory, France |
2022-2023 (1.5 years) | John Ringdahl, Master student Lund University, Sweden The recipe for star formation Now working in the private sector |
2022 (5 months) | Anatole Storck, Summer intern Lund University, Sweden Star formation under (ram) pressure Now PhD candidate at Oxford University, UK |
2022 (5 months) | Anna-Maria Söderman, Bachelor student Lund University, Sweden On the run: how fast can runaway stars escape from their home clusters? Now Master student at Lund University, Sweden |
2021-2022 (1.5 years) | Jonathan Petersson, Master student Lund University, Sweden Colliding galaxies in a (nut)shell Now PhD candidate at EPFL, Switzerland |
2021 (5 months) | Erik Fridén, Bachelor student Lund University, Sweden Observing stellar streams made in a supercomputer Now PhD candidate at Geneva University, Switzerland |
2020-2021 (1.5 years) | Oscar Andersson, Master student Lund University, Sweden Star formation in elliptical galaxies Now working in the private sector |
2020 (2 months) | Jesper Nielsen, Summer intern Lund University, Sweden Extreme star forming galaxies Now PhD candidate at Copenhagen University, Denmark |
2019-2020 (1.5 years) | Mateo Prgomet, Master student Lund University, Sweden Initial mass function and galaxy evolution Now working in the private sector (data science) |
2018-2019 (1.5 years) | Samhitha Vadlamani, Master student Lund University, Sweden Hydrodynamics of compact groups Now working in the private sector (data science) |
2018 (5 months) | Lina Warntoft, Bachelor student Lund University, Sweden Dynamical evolution of star clusters Now working in the private sector (gaming industry) |
2018 (6 months) | Loke Lönnblad Ohlin, Bachelor student Lund University, Sweden Propagation of feedback in turbulent media Now working in the private sector |
2014 (6 weeks) | Paolo Bianchini, Summer school student ISIMA program, Toronto, Canada Star Clusters in Galactic Cores Now permanent researcher at Strasbourg Observatory, France |
2008 (2 months) | Gabriel Padilla, Summer intern Strasbourg Observatory Dust and starburst in mergers Now working in the private sector |