
= 174

= Invited/Reviews (51)
= Contributed (51)
= Seminar/Colloquium (72)

2025 (7)

07 JulGarching, Germany
Galactic ecosystems under the microscope
30 JunSesto, Italy
Star clusters and globular cluster progenitors at high...
10 JunMarstrand, Sweden
Galactic discs and instabilities
08 AprGeneva (UniGe-EPFL), Switzerland

25 FebStrasbourg (USIAS), France
13 FebGent, Belgium
14 JanStrasbourg (ObAS), France

2024 (19)

09 DecPuerto Varas, Chile
Deciphering the cosmic code for galaxy formation
02 DecSantagio (Uni. Santa María), Chile
13 NovMarseille, France
News from the dark
11 NovBeijing (Tsinghua University), China
07 NovBeijing (Tsinghua University), China
15 OctMunich (Origins cluster), Germany
11 OctMunich (USM), Germany
07 OctLyon, France
National Program on Cosmology and Galaxies (PNCG)
26 AugStrasbourg, France
GalPhases24: Accretion in the Local Group
13 AugCape Town, South Africa
IAU General Assembly, FM09
29 JulSanta Cruz, USA
Galaxy formation and evolution
24 JunParis, France
First structures in the Universe
10 JunAlpbach, Austria
Clouds, star clusters, and black holes
04 JunMarseille, France
Week of the French astronomy and astrophysics (SF2A plenary)
20 MayAstana, Kazakhstan
Exploring the Frontiers of Dynamical Astronomy with...
29 AprReykjavik, Iceland
Extreme galaxies in their extreme environments at extremely...
24 AprNew York, USA
Ramses User Meeting
15 AprBaltimore, USA
Recipes to regulate star formation at all scales: from the...
29 JanSexten, Italy
The Milky Way is not an island

2023 (16)

11 DecParis, France
New simulations for new problems in galaxy formation
01 DecStrasbourg (ObAS), France
23 NovStrasbourg (IRMIA++), France
01 NovLund, Sweden
The Milky Way as seen through neutron-capture elements
09 OctParis, France
Milky Way research: connecting the near and far field
03 JulSexten, Italy
A multi-wavelength view on globular clusters near and far:...
26 JunSexten, Italy
GalPhases23: Phases of galactic evolution as traced by...
20 JunStrasbourg, France
Galaxy evolution in the era of JWST
31 MayHeidelberg (ZAH), Germany
30 MayHeidelberg (HJAC), Germany
04 MayPostdam, Germany
21 FebTokyo, Japan
14 FebPomona, USA
08 FebSanta Barbara, USA
The co-evolution of the cosmic web and galaxies across...
31 JanSanta Barbara, USA
The cosmic web: connecting galaxies to cosmology at high...
16 JanAbu Dhabi, UAE
Timescales in Astrophysics

2022 (8)

29 NovWollongong, Australia
Linking the galactic and extragalactic (II)
24 OctMunich (MIAPP), Germany
Star-forming clumps and clustered starbursts across cosmic...
11 OctHeidelberg (MPIA), Germany
04 OctNice, France
14 SepParis, France
15 AugSanta Cruz, USA
Galaxy formation and evolution
07 AprParis, France
14 MarAspen, USA
Illuminating galaxy formation with ancient globular star...

2021 (6)

29 NovVienna, Austria
25 NovTenerife, Spain
29 SepParis, France
(online) Ramses User Meeting
07 JunJerusalem, Israel
11 MayBeirut, Lebanon
(online) ISM 2021
10 MarLeiden, The Netherlands
(online) Clash of the titans

2020 (11)

04 DecWollongong, Australia
(online) Linking the galactic and extragalactic
24 SepLund, Sweden
(postponed) Chemical evolution of the Galactic center
20 JulRingberg, Germany
(postponed) How does small-scale physics drive galaxy...
24 JulCambridge (IoA), UK
14 JulJerusalem, Israel
09 JulHeidelberg (MPIA), Germany
22 JunMeudon, France
17 JunNice, France
16 JunStockholm, Sweden
11 MaySanta Barbara, USA
Formation of globular clusters and their host galaxies
24 MarStrasbourg, France
23 MarSaclay, France
30 MarSanta Barbara, USA
(postponed) Globular Clusters at the Nexus of Star and...
13 MarLyon, France

2019 (9)

20 NovOnsala, Sweden
14 NovHeidelberg ARI, Germany
04 NovShanghai, China
Cosmology and galaxy formation
20 SepStrasbourg, France
05 AugSanta Cruz, USA
Galaxy formation and evolution
10 JunNafplio, Greece
Zooming in on star formation
27 MayBologna, Italy
IAU 351: Star clusters: from the milky way to the early...
18 MarPerth, Australia
The life and death of star forming galaxies
18 FebSydney, Australia
Linking galaxies from the epoch of initial star-formation...

2018 (13)

19 NovHeidelberg, Germany
Survival of dense star clusters
06 AugSanta Cruz, USA
Galaxy formation and evolution
02 JulCambridge, UK
The laws of star formation
25 JunSantorini, Greece
31 MayTuscaloosa, USA
Galactic rings
23 MayMontpellier, France
News from the dark
14 MayCozumel, Mexico
Interstellar: the matter
23 MarStockholm, Sweden
12 MarSexten, Italy
Galaxy interactions and mergers across cosmic time
14 FebEdinburgh, UK
22 JanLund, Sweden
The dynamical Universe for all
22 JanPune, India
Galaxy evolution and dynamical structures
18 JanCopenhagen (NBI), Denmark

2017 (11)

04 DecParis, France
College de France lecture series
17 NovLund, Sweden
REACH (interdisciplinary meeting on data visualization)
16 OctHeidelberg, Germany
Piercing the Galactic darkness
02 OctValletta, Malta
The role of gas in galaxy dynamics
22 SepGöteborg, Sweden
Meeting in honor of Francoise Combes
07 SepLund, Sweden
06 JulParis, France
Galaxy decadence (SF2A S11)
04 JulParis, France
Modelling Milky Way type galaxies (SF2A S04)
30 JunPrague, Czechia
EWASS S7: From the Milky Way to nearby galaxies
05 JunCleveland, USA
Dwarf galaxies on the shoulders of giants
05 AprChicheley, UK
Globular cluster formation

2016 (12)

05 DecBonn, Germany
Stellar aggregates over mass and spatial scales
05 NovHeidelberg MPIA, Germany
17 OctGuildford, UK
10 OctGarching, Germany
Dwarf galaxies
05 OctParis, France
Ramses User Meeting
06 SepNew York, USA
08 AugSanta Cruz, USA
Galaxy Formation
11 JulMunich, Germany
Discs in Galaxies
25 MayEdinburgh, UK
18 MayLeiden, Netherlands
17 MayNijmegen, Netherlands
11 AprCozumel, Mexico
The interplay between local and global processes

2015 (12)

07 DecKobe, Japan
06 NovMarseille, France
13 OctCambridge (DAMTP), UK
30 SepLeiden, Netherlands
Combining grid-based hydro with gravitational dynamics
21 SepStrasbourg, France
POR workshop
17 SepLondon (UCL/MSSL), UK
16 AugSanta Cruz, USA
Galaxy Formation
06 JulHeidelberg, Germany
A 3D View on Galaxy Evolution
28 MayGuildford, UK
13 AprSantiago, Chile
Satellites and streams
24 MarLeicester, UK
06 MarConcepcion, Chile

2014 (15)

11 DecStrasbourg, France
28 NovCambridge (IoA), UK
13 NovNoordwijk, Netherlands
Star formation across space and time
03 NovSeoul, South Korea
Cosmology and Structure Formation
27 OctHeidelberg, Germany
Gaia-Challenge II: discs
24 OctHeidelberg (MPIA), Germany
17 OctBrighton, UK
08 SepMarseille, France
From Galactic to Extragalactic Star Formation
17 JulToronto, Canada
30 JunToronto, Canada
Gravitational dynamics
25 JunSaclay, France
RAMSES user meeting
10 JunMarseille, France
Semi-analytic models and hydrodynamic simulations
03 JunBonn, Germany
Modest14: The danse of stars
21 FebSapporo, Japan
The impact of galactic structure on star formation
15 JanStrasbourg, France
Multi-wavelength in the data avalanche era

2013 (10)

11 DecMeudon, France
Structure and chemistry of the ISM
29 OctLyon, France
Galaxies and Supernovae
23 OctSeoul, South Korea
Dynamics of disk galaxies
17 OctGuildford, UK
12 AugPetit Jean Mnt., USA
Structure and dynamics of disk galaxies
24 JulAix, France
Physical processes of galaxy formation
09 JulCambridge, UK
Mind the gap
25 JunRingberg, Germany
Regulation of star formation
19 AprSaclay, France
16 JanDurham, UK

2012 (10)

04 DecSaclay, France
28 NovRome, Italy
Reading the book of globular clusters
21 NovBrisbane, Australia
19 NovBrisbane, Australia
Simulations of star clusters
14 NovSwinburne, Australia
09 NovSwinburne, Australia
18 OctTrieste, Italy
The physics of star formation
12 OctSaclay, France
30 JulHeidelberg, Germany
Galactic scale star formation
29 JunStrasbourg, France

2011 (5)

18 NovSaclay, France
25 OctHualien, Taiwan
Galaxy mergers in a evolving Universe
20 SepSeattle, USA
29 AprSaclay, France
07 AprSantiago, Chile
Dynamics of Low-Mass Stellar Systems

2010 (3)

05 OctCambridge (IoA), UK
09 SepStrasbourg, France
25 JunVienna, Austria

2009 (3)

20 SepPotsdam, Germany
Pre-AG 2009 Workshop
21 JulJohnson City, USA
Galaxy Wars
03 MarStrasbourg, France
Antennae Workshop

2008 (3)

12 SepVienna, Austria
JENAM 2008
28 MayVienna, Austria
23 FebEvora, Portugal
Supercomputing and numerical techniques

2007 (2)

10 OctVienna, Austria
29 AugPasadena (IPAC), USA
Florent Renaud - last update: 12 March 2025